The last full day today. Mixed feelings.. I do like to go home again, but somehow I feel like I haven't seen enough yet. There is so much left to explore, to see, to experience.
Yesterday was so amazing. I went to Kungsträdgården in the evening, hoping there would be some open air concert, but sadly enough there wasn't any. Well, I thought, watching people passing by can be fun too. I was just enjoying to see the variety of people, when an older man came to sit next to me. He asked me something in Swedish, which I did not understand. Somehow, people talk to me in Swedish automatically here. Apparently I don't look like a foreigner. Anyway, the man repeated his question in English, asking me if it was okay if he smoked. I said yes, and a conversation was born. That man told me all about the city. He told me all about what to do, what not to do, which places are worth to visit, where to eat, drink and go out.. Where youngsters are having fun, what accents people have in different parts of the city and why. He showed me an excellent spot in town, from where you could see all the important buildings and the water with the ferries coming in from Finland..
However, today was the last day, and the old man recommended me to see the Vasamuseum and the Royal palace on Gamla Stan. I also wanted to see some of Södermalm, since I hadn't really seen much of that part of the city yet.
The Vasamuseum was pretty interesting. It was about a ship that had been built in the past, but already sank on the first day it went out.
This was the wreck. It took years for the people to get it out of the water, and in the museum you could see how exactly they did that. 333 years after the ship sank, the ship was above sea level again. The ship is so well preserved, because of the Baltic sea not being very salty.
Together with the ship, a number of people sank with it. The skeletons were to be found in the museum as well. Very nice to see how much has been found back of the sailors.
After that, I went to Gamla Stan on my rented bike to see some of the Royal Palace. Pretty nice to see really!

Apparently it was forbidden to take pictures of the crowns and jewels of the royals. Haha sorry, too late! I wasn't planning to remove my pictures, to be honest. Haha.
And now I'm tired. I haven't ever walked so much in one week. I just made use of the free sauna, which was pretty nice.
So tomorrow will be packing my bags and taking some last pictures of the hostel to show at home..