Monday 12 September 2011

Do whatever you like, they'll talk anyway

Oh my room looks so much better after bringing in images and objects to fill up the emptiness of my snow-white room. I had several new things ready to be pinned to my cookie walls, so I took a few minutes, some nails and a hammer. I found these iron photo-frame hangers in a drawer somewhere at home. They've never been used. The best thing is that I could just slide my post cards in between the iron plates. I've also nailed one hanger behind the wooden plate with the tile saying 'Doe wat je wilt, kletsen doen ze toch.' which I had to buy when I saw it. 'Do whatever you like, they'll talk anyway'. Lately I've noticed that this is so true...
And yes, I like the temporariness of the iron hangers. I can slide in whatever image I like at that moment.

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